Danette J. Ross Watson
Founder and president of Solomon’s Way ADR Services, Danette has practiced in the field of ADR for nearly 25 years. Most recently she founded and serves as the Executive Director of the West Texas Community Mediation Center in Big Spring, Howard County, Texas.
BACKGROUND: Since moving to Big Spring, Texas, she most recently utilized her skillset to work as a counselor and as a member of the hostage negotiation team, at GEO Corrections in Big Spring, Texas. She was formerly employed as the Staff Mediator for the Family Division of Prince George’s County Court, Maryland before she began working with the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR), as the Membership Development Associate for Chapters and Family Mediation. Her desire to do more in the field led her to become involved with a national mental health initiative to reduce/eliminate seclusion and restraint in state mental health facilities using alternative dispute resolution (ADR) as a secondary tool. Danette was the consultant/trainer and mediator/facilitator through the National Technical Assistance Center (NTAC) and the National Association of Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD). This effort also enabled her to assist the Collaborative for Conflict Management in Mental Health (CCMMH) to further ADR strategies and techniques in the mental health field, and the California State Mental Health Hospitals by providing a train-the-trainers training to various members of their executive management teams.
Mrs. Ross Watson relocated to her hometown of Martinsburg, West Virginia to further promote awareness and use of ADR/mediation services throughout the tri-state area in a variety of practice areas with a primary focus on “Strengthening WV one family at a time.” She worked as an approved administrative service organization provider (ASO Provider) which led to the development of 25 sub-contractors as executive director of a rapidly growing family support services organization. The primary client was the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, and courts.
PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: Advisor, Instant Mediations; Practitioner member, former Board member, Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR); Outreach Chair and Board member, Texas Association of Mediators; Distinguished Credentialed Mediator, Texas Mediator Credentialing Association; Member, Texas Mediation Trainers Roundtable; Member, Texas Association of Hostage Negotiators; Certifed Mediator/Assessor, former Board Member, Maryland Council for Dispute Resolution (MCDR); former Member, ACR Maryland Chapter.
Association for Conflict Resolution
Berkeley County Board of Education- Diversity Council; Blacks in Government
Collaborative for Conflict Management in Mental Health
Federal Agencies: DOHA-TSA, National Archives, USDA, USPS REDRESS Program, Veterans Administration, SSA, and others
From the Heart Church Ministries, Inc. and other churches & civic organizations
GEO Corrections; Maryland Council for Dispute Resolution; NAACP Berkeley County, WV; National Assoc of Mental Health Program Directors
State of Maryland Courts (Prince George’s, Baltimore, Montgomery Howard & Anne Arundel Counties); and other Private Sector & Civic Organizations
West Virginia DHHR – Bureau of Children & Families
West Virginia Supreme Court- Family Mediator
EDUCATION AND CERTIFICATIONS: Bachelors, Business Administration and Masters in Conflict Resolution, Concordia College and Universities
Certification, Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR), Emmonite University
Trained, Motivational Interviewing, Baylor University
Certification, Certified Educator in Restorative Practices, National Educators for Restorative Practices (NEDRP)
Certification, Mental Health Coach, American Assoc of Christian Counselors